Kupuję - smakuję. Wybieram polskie produkty.

  • kupujesmakuje@nowiny.pl

About Us



Years Of Working Experience

Donec lacus velit, volutpat a consequat quis, placerat vitae massa. Nulla facilisi. Fusce ac odio justo. Phasellus a risus in libero feugiat aliquam quis nec metus. Sed vulputate bibendum nulla, eu sodales magna gravida nec. Integer sit amet sollicitudin massa, a blandit lectus. Vivamus lacinia justo non congue blandit.


Vivamus sed eleifend diam. Proin vel orci commodo nulla viverra feugiat nec quis neque.

Vivamus sed eleifend diam. Proin vel orci commodo nulla viverra feugiat nec quis neque.

Vivamus sed eleifend diam. Proin vel orci commodo nulla viverra feugiat nec quis neque.


Construction Work

You can align your image to the left, right, or center with a caption, link and alt text New Journey.


Interior Designing

You can align your image to the left, right, or center with a caption, link and alt text New Journey.


Architecture Design

You can align your image to the left, right, or center with a caption, link and alt text New Journey.


24X7 Support

You can align your image to the left, right, or center with a caption, link and alt text New Journey.


Our Latest Projects


What Our Clients Says

Very high quality ! However, that would be even greater if you can seperate css & js for each type of theme. Best design, well coded, really surprised to check it’s reusability. Clean code. Easy.

George Carson


Very high quality ! However, that would be even greater if you can seperate css & js for each type of theme. Best design, well coded, really surprised to check it’s reusability. Clean code. Easy.

Freddie Ronan


Very high quality ! However, that would be even greater if you can seperate css & js for each type of theme. Best design, well coded, really surprised to check it’s reusability. Clean code. Easy.

Alfie Mason


Very high quality ! However, that would be even greater if you can seperate css & js for each type of theme. Best design, well coded, really surprised to check it’s reusability. Clean code. Easy.

Archie Parker


Very high quality ! However, that would be even greater if you can seperate css & js for each type of theme. Best design, well coded, really surprised to check it’s reusability. Clean code. Easy.

Charlie Kane


Very high quality ! However, that would be even greater if you can seperate css & js for each type of theme. Best design, well coded, really surprised to check it’s reusability. Clean code. Easy.

Ethan Jacoby

CEO & Founder
Our Team

Creative Expertise

James Fread
Rista Wann
Ardi Froater
Lia Francis
Tiat Roe
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Wspieranie patriotyzmu konsumenckiego

Dlaczego warto wspierać polskich producentów i dostawców? Dlatego, że dzięki temu wszyscy pracujemy na wspólne dobro naszego kraju.

Zdrowie jest jedną z kluczowych dziedzin naszego życia. Warto zwracać uwagę na walory zdrowotne spożywanych produktów.

Silne globalne marki posiadają przewagę konkurencyjną opartą głównie dzięki reklamie i silnej marce. Regionalni producenci dysponują mniej rozbudowanymi mechanizmami, a mimo to oferują wyroby o niespotykanych walorach smakowych.

Polska żywność to nasze wspólne dobro. Cudze chwalimy, swego nie znamy… Idąc naprzeciw tej idei chcemy pokazać że produkty lokalnych i regionalnych producentów mogą równolegle ze sobą rywalizować zapewniając klientom najlepszą jakość.